"You know, if you're not growing, you’re dying." I wonder whether this piece of conventional wisdom is one of those unverifiable-but-assumed-true phrases such as "Everything happens for a reason." I concede that contraction of a city's tax base is undesirable, but so is growth without appropriate oversight/management. Does the city council ever vote down development/rezoning proposals? Or is the process simply a rubber stamp? Are their decisions resulting in more affordable housing, or merely lining the pockets of developers?

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Good news for higher density housing proponents. Welton mentions co-locating dense housing on bus routes. I really hope CATS follows through with investing in bus route improvements. I recently rode the bus in downtown Philadelphia, and it was filled with people commuting to work, seniors, students, etc. A really diverse group, and it felt safe. If Philly can do it, so can Charlotte.

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