Out-of-town for-profit property and nursing home owners are a huge problem. We’ve seen it as tenants/homeowners in affordable housing are priced out. Now, it’s a huge problem in nursing homes. Both affect our most vulnerable citizens whose voices are drowned by corporate profits. It seems we can’t legally keep them out of the market, but we can monitor conditions and quickly hit them in their pocketbooks to raise standards and bring services up to par. This either improves conditions or makes them reconsider where this market is profitable enough for them. If they argue that doing so would make them close facilities, perhaps a public/private partnership is the answer. Either way, our residents benefit.

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This countries wealthy and powerful are allowed to spend BILLIONS on the Military Budget - meanwhile Caregivers are paid minimum wage and we treat our Elderly as if they are dispensible. SHOW ME how the Government has proven they care about the Elderly and Disabled when its obvious by how they are treated that is not the case. They/We become a liablity when we can't contribute to the Tax Base. Until I see differently first hand, I'm sticking with my Opinion having seen what happened to my Mother in NC Nursing homes over five years. When the money is gone? So is your care. The GOVERNMENT has the power to ensure Companies pay their taxes and change regulation so Paid Caregivers can live on their wages and care for the Elder. Put PEOPLE over PROFIT and you'll see things change. Oh and they don't have the data/metrics to report on? COME. ON! That is an outright lie. If someone MADE THEM REPORT ON HOW LONG IT TOOK TO RESOLVE AN ISSUE/COMPLAINT OR BE FINED? You'd see them report on their SLAs/Metrics - just like any reputable company has to do. HOW no one is mandating TRACKING OF THIS INFORMATION BY THE AGENCIES?!?! It blows my mind.....and it is intentional. The American People are focused on the wrong things....and the Chess Players (wealthy, powerful, greedy, corrupt) want to keep it that way.

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