Yes! I just moved to the edge of western Meck Co and travel across the bridge often to Belmont. The lanes are so narrow, I am afraid I will hit another car or the concrete wall. Plus it is very old. I wish it would be earlier than 20yrs. It is definitely needed!

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Yes, we need a new bridge. Yes, we need a new light rail regional plan. Yes, we ought to have a regional transportation authority. We need to think comprehensively with a vision for the region for the next 50 or even 100 years. We need to consider fewer roads and examine alternatives as well as how roads, rail, public transportation, and airports provide an interconnected mobility system. Unfortunately, we have multiple government entities with their own individual interests and no pathway for considering the collective interests of the region. Some will point to our Centralina Regional Council, but it is too passive. Others will point to our metropolitan planning organizations, but they too work primarily within their own designated authority. If we really want to make progress, we should learn from cities like Atlanta, Nashville, Austin, Denver, and many others that have organized their collective efforts into a vision and then a plan that gathers support from Republicans and Democrats seeking help from state and federal governments who have the authority to move big projects and make decisions when revenues can be made available. We need leaders to step into this chasm.

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