Charlotte needs to get its ducks in a row and make it clear where the Silver Line will go before asking voters to approve the transit tax. If the line does not go all the way to the Airport itself (it apparently will stop a mile short) and the Airport has not agreed to build its own connecting line, then there is zero reason to run it to a point a mile short of the Airport. Travelers will grab an Uber, Lyft or Taxi that take them all the way into town rather than taking a bus to the train that will then take them to town. Better to approve the route to Matthews than a line that stops short of the Airport.

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The gift that keeps on giving:

* Inconvenience current residents thru unrestrained growth despite inadequate infrastructure,

* Raise taxes to pay for more schools,

* Raise taxes to pay for more transportation,

* New NCDOT roadways flood existing homes and roadways.

Has City Council ever considered the novel idea of limiting growth to match existing infrastructure?

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To be sure I will not be voting to approve the increase in sales tax and will take the lack of viable silver line light rail to East Charlotte as a rationale to retire elsewhere in a few years. The Rapid Bus Service proposal does not appear to be viable either and is just something thrown out in hopes of appeasing East Charlotte residents to vote for the sales tax increase.

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