As usual CATS didn't supply ridership projections but more importantly cost projections were not provided either. What is capital cost and operating cost for each of the scenarios being studied. How much are the taxpayers expected to pay for each of the scenarios.

Alan Harms


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I support nothing that involves raising our taxes again for garbage. I think mass transportation is fine except the boobs that run Charlotte cannot be left in charge to figure this out. The current system is dependent upon Federal grants to pay for all those that ride for free.

Here is the problem, I cannot support a system that doesn't pay for itself. CATS is a losing proposition and until that is figured out which involves creating a system to enforce people to pay and come close to breaking even, then why are throwing good money after bad?

It's always 1/4 percent here, 1/2 a percent there, 1% here and so forth. This is getting expensive.

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Thank you Steve for uncovering that the plan is to tax us first, hope there's some benefit to us later.

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