High marriage rates is a proxy for red state, rural, white, trump- country

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Maybe federal grants could be tied to the percentage of people who use public transit in a city?

I still can’t believe the faith our elected officials have in public transport here. After watching the trolly debacle (and more), I would think the transportation feds would avoid this city.

That said, I do wish the public transport was better.

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They've gotta have faith in public transport if they're going to make public transport better. Not everything that works in other place will work here and vice versa. There are unique challenges and issues. To make public transport "better", we have to have funding and the willingness of our elected officials and ourselves to not only try new things when it comes to construction, but utilize and support the improvements.

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This will be bad for a lot of Republicans becausea lot of red states, red regions and swing states have much older populations either because they lost young people to places with better economies or they attract a lot of retirees. That lowers their birth rate. West Virginia,South Carolina, Maine, Florida and Arizona all have older populations, many of whom vote Republican. Genius idea!

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Single people and people without children also use public transport. It's ridiculous to tie to two together. How about solutions that work to help all people instead?

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Great reporting, as always. The major media outlets have so much chaos to report on recently that many stories with real impact on taxpayers are not being told. People need to know they've elected ideologues who don't operate with "common sense", no matter what they say.

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I’m not seeing “common sense” in some of Duffy’s objectives but let’s hope for the best for Charlotte. We can all run out and get married if needed. lol

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Thanks for the coverage and for interviewing a national expert on the topic. Definitely thought provoking - hopefully Charlotte comes out on top.

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